
> > If I am successful, then lintian can specialize its efforts into issues only
> > visible in packaged artifacts and thereby reduce it scope a bit.
> Perfect.  I'd love to have some policy checking at "the right point in
> time".  I'd love to support this but as far as I understand even your
> suggestion does not spare the work of fixing lintian itself.  The problem
> that motivated me to my initial mail to ask for help on lintian was about
> packaged artifacts and we need to keep an eye on this - no matter how nifty
> things we do before.

As somebody who has contributed to a bunch of Debian packaging tooling
(Lintian, Deputy, git-buildpackage, Salsa-CI) I think Niels' approach
makes a lot of sense. Deputy is great for static analysis of Debian
packaging (i.e. are the files in debian/* syntactically and
semantically correct). Lintian could over time remove those checks and
focus only on analysing the build artifacts (as anyway Lintian can be
run only _after_ the build was done). Yes, Lintian needs to continue
to be maintained, but the maintenance work could be slightly less if
Lintian adopts the strategy/architecture of focusing only on
post-build artifact analysis.

Regarding this discussion in general, I get the sense that
participants haven't actually tried Debputy and are not aware of its
capabilities. If you have Podman/Docker you can effortlessly run this
little check to get some experience:

cd my-package
podman run --interactive --tty --rm --volume=$PWD:/tmp/my-package
--workdir=/tmp/my-package debian:sid bash
apt update && apt install -y dh-debputy python3-lsprotocol
debputy lint

Examples of output:

pedantic: File: ./debian/changelog:944:82:944:89: Line exceeds 82 characters
      944:       -
informational: File: ./debian/control:64:19:64:24: Latest
Standards-Version is 4.7.0
     64: Standards-Version: 4.6.2

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