
On 5/21/24 07:43, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:

Also its a gitlab instance. There are all kinds of documentation,
tutorials, videos and software for/about gitlab, including lots of
beginner friendly options. There is a whole ecosystem around gitlab, it
does not depend on a few (two?) developers.

The ecosystem, however, does not support our workflows, and adapting it to do that is even more effort than maintaining our own tools. We would not even save effort in onboarding, because we'd still need to explain the Debian specific aspects, only we would now also need to explain which parts of the git workflow we can keep and which parts don't work for us.

The workflows of GitHub (more deployment focused) and GitLab (more development focused) are already different enough that I have seen organizations struggle after making the wrong choice.

git-buildpackage is not a good mapping of packages to git, but the best you can do without modifying git itself. Actually using it requires more than beginner-level knowledge of git and suspension of any previously held convictions that every single commit should be buildable (because gbp likes to generate ones that aren't).

A better approach would not treat Debian metadata as git data. Even the most vocal advocate of switching everything to Salsa writes in his MR that the changelog should not be touched in a commit, because it creates conflicts, and instead a manual step will need to be performed later.

At the very least, GitLab integration would allow me to automate such a simple thing as changelog handling in a more comfortable way than displaying instructions how to download the conflicting branch into local git, resolve the conflicts manually, and force-push the branch to solve the problem.


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