Stefano Rivera <> writes:

> On the other hand, dgit is only useful if you have a certain view of the
> world, that hasn't aligned with how I've done Debian packaging. I mean,
> an entirely git-centric view where you let go of trying to maintain your
> patch stack.

dgit has no problems with you maintaining your patch stack, at least as I
understand that statement.  I personally use the dgit-maint-debrebase(7)
workflow, which is a fancy way of maintaining your patch stack using an
equivalent of git rebase, since I love git rebase and use it all the time.
But I used the dgit-maint-gbp(7) workflow, which is basically just the
normal git-buildpackage workflow, for years and still use it for some of
my packages and it works fine.

Maybe you mean something different by this than I think you meant.

Russ Allbery (              <>

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