Hi all,

I have drafted a new DEP at
https://salsa.debian.org/dep-team/deps/-/merge_requests/8 titled "DEP-18:
Enable true open collaboration on all Debian packages".

Direct link to raw text:

This would have been a great topic to discuss in person at DebConf, but
unfortunately I can't attend this year, so I'll just kick this off on the
mailing list.

This is continuation to the 'single maintainership' discussions earlier
this year. I also think that more unified and open collaboration processes
could help decrease maintainer burnout, lower barrier for existing and new
maintainers to help with multiple packages, and overall perhaps also
improve quality of uploads by having more attention on the source code
prior to upload.

If you think this proposal makes sense, please press the thumbs up button.

If you have comments, please share them here or on the draft itself.



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