On Tue, Apr 28, 1998 at 09:52:07AM -0400, Ben Pfaff wrote:
>    register-window-manager [pathname]
>      with no arguments, enters interactive mode
>      with one pathname argument, invokes interactive mode with "add" action
>      and pathname already done, thus prompting for priority (see below)
> Could we instead have a default priority assigned to each window
> manager?  So postinst scripts would run it like this:
>    register-window-manager pathname priority
> and the script would add in the new window manager and report which
> one currently has the highest priority.  The sysadmin could still
> start it in interactive mode to rearrange the priorities.

Well, as said, everything will default to the bottom of the list (lowest
priority).  I don't think it will buy us very much for me to hard-code
priorities for various window managers into register-window-manager, only
to see the majority of users change them (as they should).  "Externalizing"
the standard priorities and having them passed to register-window-manager
by the various WM's postinsts is A) too difficult to coordinate and B)
wouldn't get us very much, I don't think.

Remember, /etc/X11/window-managers is *only* used if the person using
startx or logging in with XDM has no ~/.xsession file, which I image most
experienced X users have.

This file is just a way of letting the system administrator set defaults he
or she considers sane.

I don't think this is being needlessly interactive.  If invoked as in my
example (register-window-manager /usr/bin/X11/fvwm2, for instace), all the
user has to do is press enter once.  And until we get our magic
"interactive" flag, we can of course default to the non-interactive

G. Branden Robinson                 |    One man's "magic" is another man's
Purdue University                   |    engineering.  "Supernatural" is a
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  |    null word.
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |    -- Robert Heinlein

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