On Tue, Apr 28, 1998 at 10:53:22PM -0400, Ben Pfaff wrote:

> Okay, it's a good thing you brought that up then.  Does Branden's
> proposal include support for this?  Perhaps I need to go back and read
> it better, but I don't remember anything about command-line options.

Branden proposes the existance of a script that is called on
post{inst,rm} which manages additions to
/etc/X11/window-managers. It's exactly the same as the current
situation, but in line with policy (besides making the whole thing
more consistent, and easier for window manager maintainers). That is,
Xsession calls the first valid program listed on window-managers.

The other is alternatives (/usr/bin/X11/sensible-window-manager), and
(here I'm guessing) /etc/X11/Xsession calls /usr/bin/X11/s-w-m because
that's the "default" window manager. So far, so good. I cann't name a wm
that gets its configuration from the command line.

> Are there some options that can't be passed to some window managers in
> configuration files?

WindowMaker has -nocpp, -nodock and -nofiend (there are options that
are not available on the configuration files). My point is having
/usr/X11R6/bin/sensible-window-manager as a symlink to wmaker would make

$ sensible-window-manager -nodock

valid, but if the default window manager is fvwm2, then it's
not. Alternatives, as I understood them, have to be command line
compatible because a situation like the one I just described is not


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