On Thu, Jun 04, 1998 at 10:18:32AM +0100, Enrique Zanardi wrote:
> kernel v2.0.34 has appeared at the usual FTP sites. (Sure you knew that,
> didn't you?). Is it too late in the "frozen" stage to include it in hamm?
It fixes a lot of problems and it had been given a hard testing time
on linux-kernel.

I'm runnng a pre release for a while now and I'm doing a lot of different
things, never encountered a problem.


| Quotes from the net:  L> Linus Torvalds, W> Winfried Truemper               |
| L>this is the special easter release of linux, more mundanely called 1.3.84 |
| W>Umh, oh. What do you mean by "special easter release"?. Will it quit      |
* W>working today and rise on easter?                                         *

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