On 7 Jun 1998, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:

>  I would like to have `mc' and the two packages it depends on placed
>  into the base set.  We could then get rid of both `elvis-tiny' and
>  `ae', and be left with a powerful tool that is easy for beginners and
>  experienced folks alike.  There ought to be room for it; the total
>  size of `mc', `gpm', and `libgpmg1' is 379K + 98K + 14K = 491K.
>  `elvis-tiny' is 82K, and `ae' is 82K also.  491K - 164K = 327K.  The
>  fifth base disk is not full, so it ought to fit in the same number of
>  install disks.

In particular, ae is on the boot disk (in the root.bin file system)
because it is all that can be afforded in space.

The base disks are another matter...

>  `mc', the Midnight Commander, has a very nice editor built in now.
>  It should be set up to use its internal editor by default, for our
>  purposes.
>  Midnight Commander is *so much nicer* than the so-called
>  "traditional" `vi' editor and a command line.  Linux is an evolution
>  over "traditional" Unix, right?  Let's make it so.
>  `mc' will let you look inside of and install `.deb' files also.
>  Neato.
You forgot to mention the ftp file system, which is great for downloading,
and could be modified for installation.

However the three fold increase in size is going to need more than this to
justify it.


_-_-_-_-_-   Author of "The Debian Linux User's Guide"  _-_-_-_-_-_-

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