Behan Webster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Looks like you guys can talk to Chris or San directly about Netwinder
> development if you wish.

I just phoned Chris Herrnberger (the OCLUG guy), and quizzed him.

He says Corel has loaned OCLUG ten Netwinders for development
purposes.  If we want to get going on development right away, he's
even got a spare one that he could mail to us right away!

What he wants to know from us is:

 1) Who we are and what we want to do.

 2) How many of us are going to do work on the port.

 3) How many machines do we need/want.

I'm going to send him an email answering at least the first question.

He's going into Corel Computer tomorrow to talk to San Mehat, so he'd
like to take some of that information in with him.

I guess I sort of volunteered to be the point person for the porting
effort, so if you are interested, please contact me, and I'll add you
to the list.  Tell me if you are interested in buying a machine for
your own use as well.

If you are interested, you should also go to, and
sign up there to get on the developers list.  He says they are swamped
with applications right now, so it may take several days to get

As for the machines, he says the developers versions are the
top-of-the-line model, with a 3.1 GB hard drive and 64 MB of RAM.  I
think they are based on a 233MHz StrongARM.  They haven't settled on
the discounted price for developers, but it should be between
$700-$1100 CDN ($490-$770 US).  He says Corel wants to get as many
machines out into the hands of developers as possible.

I asked when they are going into production, and he said that they are
in production right now - but they are waiting for FCC approval.  They
don't have a problem with supply.  He also said that there are going
to be various cheaper configurations, and that the price will drop.


 - Jim

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