On Wed, Jun 10, 1998 at 12:49:44PM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> There's a typo in README.samba, though: it says
> "flag=RESUSE" when it should say "flags=REUSE". I'll test this further
> just to be sure.

flags is the correct keyword according to the xinet.conf man page, this will
be fixed in the next release.

> I'll provide a README.xinetd file in the Samba package (it'll be your
> README.samba file :-)


> By the way, a couple of comments regarding xinetd:
> - /etc/init.d/xinetd restart kills xinetd (xinetd exists) leaving the
> machine useless from the network (no telnet in, no rsh, no ftp, no
> nothing).
> - /etc/init.d/xinetd reload does not reload the conf. file.
> Am I missing something here? Should I file bug reports so this gets
> fixed?

You can if you want, I've added those things to my todo list for the next
release, along with some lintian problems..

> I guess for Slink we should shoot at getting a working update-xinetd.
> If that's the case I'll add support for xinetd in Samba (for Slink, of
> course :-)

I was planning to start on this now that -4 is finally done.  Depending on
when hamm is released, this just MIGHT make it into hamm..  The way I wanted
it to be done is so that it is backward compatible with update-inetd, with
some extra options for xinetd-aware packages.  It will likely be written in
perl, but it might be in C though, as my current knowledge of perl begins
and ends with the print statement :)

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