We may want to coordinate with them for some of the machines we will be
bringing in, its definitely a worthy cause..

Zephaniah E, Hull.

----- Forwarded message from Vernard Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vernard Martin)
Subject: [ale] Loan Equipment to Linux In Action Booth
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 17:27:55 -0400 (EDT)

This is an official request for the loan of computer equipment for use by the
Linux In Action display at the Atlanta Linux Showcase scheduled for October
23rd-24th. The Linux In Action booth has expanded from 2 booths last year to 
3 booths this year. There is also a separate "terminal garden" which should 
cut down on visitors using machines as simple email terminals. 

We are asking for loans of computer equipment to be used in the booth for both
days. Although the Showcase is much bigger than before, it is still difficult 
to acquire hardware for demos and such. 

This year the Linux General Store has graciously donated us space to use as a
staging area. We are asking all equipment loans be dropped off at the LGS
between the hours of Noon and 9pm any day in the range of Oct 19 - 21. This
gives us a couple of days to get the necessary software installed on the

Be warned. The hard drives will be wiped so please remove any data that you
wish to save.  I can't stress this enough.

If you have partial machines that you are willing to loan us such as large
monitors and such they will be considered as well. We have several machines
that are being loaned by various vendors that will need only monitors to make
them functional.

If you are willing to loan your equipment, please respond to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] so that I can coordinate with you. I'll contact you ASAP
to finalize everything.

Thanks in advance.

Vernard Martin
Coordinator, Linux In Action booth
Vernard Martin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | 2nd Atlanta Linux Showcase!
http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~vernard/      | October 23 - 24, 1998
Georgia Tech, College of Computing      | http://www.ale/org/showcase

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