On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Ben Armstrong wrote:

> On Sat, 3 Oct 1998, Martin Schulze wrote:
> > 2.2 potatoe
> > 2.3 andy
> > 2.4 davis
> > 3.0 sergeant
> > 3.1 hannah
> Bo was taken, but how about "Peep"?

Not a good idea considering what it (phonetically) means in French...
(Or we might as well call it Debian Lewinsky, so everyone could get the
joke... ;)


- Vincent RENARDIAS    [EMAIL PROTECTED],pipo}.com,{debian,openhardware}.org} -
- Debian/GNU Linux:        Open Hardware:              WAW:               -
- http://www.fr.debian.org http://www.openhardware.org http://www.waw.com -
-"Depuis que ma voiture et mon ordinateur tournent au GPL, les 2 marchent -
- beaucoup mieux et pour moins cher... (Linux: Le seul OS non-polluant!)" -

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