On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Marcelo E. Laurenti wrote:

> > On Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 03:54:27PM +0200, Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> > 
> > > I am wondering, if anybody tried to build a CDimage of Slink. Will
> > > main fit on one CDROM? For hamm this problem was addressed pretty
> > > late (main, contrib, non-free) and the solution was acceptable at
> > > best.
> >
> > I have. Slink's main section is about 750 MB right now. boot disks
> > (disks-i386) are about 20 MB more. Documents, 2 MB. tools, 1 MB. 5
> > MB more for indices (which I like to include on my cd's in case I
> > screw up). 5 MB overhead for the cd-specific things (the table, the
> > translation table, the other translation table, the padding, ...).
> > You end up with 785 MB to put on a single CD.
> I solve getting only slink/..../binary- (all/i386)/admin/

there are still a lot of symlinks from slink to hamm.  

/debian/dists/slink$ du -sckL */binary-i386/
112169  contrib/binary-i386
769521  main/binary-i386
5727    non-US/binary-i386
160401  non-free/binary-i386
1047818 total

non-free and non-US don't matter for the CD, but main is 769MB and
contrib is 112MB.

i think what we need is a kernel driver for swappable CDs - some sort of
CD jukebox emulator. or apt could be made to do this without any kernel

just for curiosity's sake, editors, x11, doc, and devel seem to be the
largest sections.

/debian/dists/slink$ du -sckL main/binary-i386/* | sort -n
447     main/binary-i386/Packages.gz
858     main/binary-i386/hamradio
1298    main/binary-i386/electronics
1518    main/binary-i386/Packages
1870    main/binary-i386/shells
3733    main/binary-i386/news
3873    main/binary-i386/misc
4883    main/binary-i386/comm
9682    main/binary-i386/admin
9987    main/binary-i386/otherosfs
12022   main/binary-i386/base
15255   main/binary-i386/mail
15700   main/binary-i386/web
17173   main/binary-i386/oldlibs
17376   main/binary-i386/sound
17709   main/binary-i386/utils
20971   main/binary-i386/net
21904   main/binary-i386/libs
22815   main/binary-i386/games
25151   main/binary-i386/graphics
25155   main/binary-i386/interpreters
38269   main/binary-i386/tex
41465   main/binary-i386/math
45991   main/binary-i386/text
69621   main/binary-i386/editors
70242   main/binary-i386/x11
82342   main/binary-i386/doc
172210  main/binary-i386/devel
769520  total


craig sanders

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