[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Slootman)  wrote on 07.10.98 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Tue 06 Oct 1998, Robert Woodcock wrote:
> >
> > Just out of curiosity, what's the security track record on smail vs exim
> > for the last two years? The standard MTA should have a chance of being
> > secure from remote attacks for at least a year after release.

> Demon (a large ISP in the UK and the Netherlands, www.demon.net)
> uses Exim as its customer-facing smtp interface, so I guess that they're
> convinced as well.

I'm currently migrating westfalen.de (a small volunteer-run ISP) from  
smail to exim, partially because the smail anti-relaying stuff is too  
immature in my eyes, partially because I hate it how smail has more ways  
to produce bang paths instead of RFC 822 addresses than you can shake a  
stick at, and partially because exim configuration is just a whole lot  
saner. (We have a fairly complicated mail configuration for such a small  
ISP: POP3, UUCP w/rmail and w/bsmtp, some people get mail with SMTP,  
various different versions of forwarding. Oh, and at least one domain per  

With that migration, every Linux system I admin will be Debian with Exim.

MfG Kai

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