Le Thu, Oct 08, 1998 at 02:42:59PM +0200, Richard Braakman écrivait:
> itself will break.  People will be upgrading from hamm to slink when
> we release it, and they will run into problems like update-inetd
> breaking halfway through a mass upgrade.

This would not be the case when packages will be updated. If you take
slink at the present state, this sort of things will happen. But when
package will be updated (including netbase for installing DebianNet.pm
into /usr/lib/perl5/debian) those problem should not remain. 

Well I don't know how apt would do a dist-upgrade but I think,
it will start with installing base/* packages. So update-inetd
should work.

If you think that the problem can arise before perl5.005 is installed
but after netbase then the netbase package should depend or pre-depend
on perl-base_5.005.

And in fact such problem are only possible with DebianNet.pm, 
Debian::DpkgFtp or libnet modules. They are in base and other package may
depend on it. We have to pay attention how they are installed.

In order:
1 perl-base
(here no package using DebianNet.pm/libnet/dpkg-ftp should be installed)
2 netbase
3 libnet
4 dpkg-ftp

So libnet must (pre-)depend on perl-base5.005 and netbase too.

Hertzog Raphaël ¤ 0C4CABF1 ¤ http://www.mygale.org/~hra/

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