On Thu, Oct 08, 1998 at 02:04:46PM +0100, G. Kapetanios wrote:
> I do't know what because the ncurses prompt is on top. 
> I press ok it saya something too fast for me to read and goes back to the  
> main menu 
> I was thiing of downloading the base2_0.tgz stuff putting them in the
> /dev/hda1 (dos) partiton and rerunning the install in case 
> it minds that the stuff is in /dev/hdc2
> I really appreciate your help

That's ok :)

Allrighty then....first off, if you do have a problem then you can hit 
<ALT-3> (or any other number from 2-6) to get to a virtual terminal.

Now, I think I've seen the kind of error you were talking about.
One solution to this is to actually mount the drive by hand.  Try the

Open a virtual terminal (see above), then run the following:

# cd /
# mkdir mnt2
# mount -t vfat /dev/hdc2 /mnt2         (maybe use -t msdos)
# ls /mnt2
(you should see base2_0.tgz in here)

Switch back to the curses screen (<ALT-1>?)
Now try specifying the base location as an "allready mounted partition",

Let me know how that goes.


BTW, Does anyone know why this happens sometimes???


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