On Thu, 8 Oct 1998, Michael Stone wrote:
mstone>What I'm trying to say is "why doesn't perl look in /usr/lib/perl5
mstone>anymore?" Was this just a gratuitous change, or was there a reason for
mstone>breaking things? I can understand the change if there are modules that
mstone>work in 5.004 but not 5.005, at least from the upstream perspective, but
mstone>don't we already have a mechanism for handling conflicts that makes this
mstone>redundant? What does /usr/lib/perl5/5.005 buy us?

        This is decided by the perl authors, not debian. Darrin can change
things and install whereever he likes and change the include path, but we
have to make sure it doesn't break things. So to the extent possible, we
stay with the official perl installation.  However, at least part of their
rationale for the new scheme is to allow multiple versions of perl, a
feature that debian is not interested in.
        Why they (perl guys) did not leave /usr/lib/perl5 in the search
path is not clear to me. Perhaps because they assume that othe modules
will install in site_perl or local.  But systems with package managers,
like ours don't use these dirs.

John Lapeyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tucson,AZ     http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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