On Fri, Oct 09, 1998 at 03:05:17PM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
> > In light of the perl issues (see my last message) and the message Linus
> > just sent off to linux-kernel about 2.1.125 and 2.2.0p1 could the freeze
> > be pushed back a week to see if we should QUICKLY re-target slink
> > towards 2.2.0?
> No, this would hold the release for at least two more months.
>  . We have several kernel module package that need to be re-packaged.

We have to do that anyways for 2.0.36..

>  . We have to rework on the sound modules, possibly, I dunno.

When did we get sound modules? With 2.2.0 we could actually have some!!

>  . We have to rework on the boot-floppies to cope with different
>    and/or more modules etc.

We have to do that anyways for 2.0.36..

>  . We have to ensure that the new kernel headers won't infect
>    various compilation of programs.

I thought that was part of the idea of the glibc 2 header stuff..

>  . We might need to re-compile/re-package the libc.

Nope, works fine here and with countless others..

>  . We need to include new programs / packages to interfere with
>    new kernel interfaces.

We have ipchains in slink at the moment, so we are already leaning in
that direction..

>  . We need to review our documentation wrt the kernel (maybe, I duno)

See 2.0.36

> All this can't be done in 6 days.

I did not ask it to be done in 6 days, I asked that we wait another week
so we can see if we need to re-target for 2.2.0, if its not looking like
it won't be out in a day or two at the end of this extra week then we
need to do nothing, on the other hand if it IS going to be out, then it
seems perfectly reasonable that we fully consider (and perhaps vote on)
re-targeting at 2.2.x..
> Linux 2.2 is a good candidate for the next unstable to play with.
> I believe that it will be fun, but I also forsee that there will
> be problems.

If its not done for slink, then definitely for 2.2.. (2.2 for 2.2.x hmm)
> I hope our release manager won't jump on that train too quick.

I hope our release manager won't jump on any track without fully
considering it..

Zephaniah E, Hull..
> Regards,
>       Joey
> -- 
> No question is too silly to ask, but, of course, some are too silly
> to answer.   -- Perl book

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