On Thu, 8 Oct 1998, Geoffrey L. Brimhall wrote:

> Just like debian has an official standard shell - bash, does debian have an
> official scripting language ? 

Even if bash is essential, the "standard" shell is sh, not bash.
[ If you look at our shell scripts, most of them are /bin/sh, not
/bin/bash ].
> If so, is it perl, python, etc ?
> The reason I'm asking is largely questions of disk space - ie minimizing the
> number of scripting languages installed on a system by writing a package which
> depends on that scripting language.
> This disk space may not be an issue though. Just wanted to know...

The ones which are currently guaranteed to be on the system are sh, bash,
awk and perl (as well as all the other little ones, sed, ed, etc.),
because they are currently essential.

You are welcome to use any other scripting language as long as you put the
required Depends: line in your package, but using awk or perl has his
advantages (being disk space one of them).

 "38e7c67287a4859e04f1e64dc5719a5f" (a truly random sig)

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