On Sat, Oct 10, 1998 at 07:50:43PM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
> Although I have a rather bad opinion of the Debian guys, I just cannot believe
> that they are that irrational to claim that there is a significant, even
> ethical difference between both approaches. But following the recent

Please! Isn't it possible to make that discussion without adding bad
personal notes, like your bad opinion. The problem as I understood it is
that KDE took GPLed without asking and linked it against a not free library.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

> discussion on our mailing lists I almost get the impression that some of them
> really believe what they are saying. Naa, that can't be true. The fact that
> Debian also removed the KDE libraries (that cleary are not covered by their 
> interpretation since they are not distributed under the terms of the GPL),
> showed their real intention.

No. Please do not judge from this. Removing the libs was nothing but
a mistake. They are expected back pretty soon.

> In case some Debian developers read this mailing list: Guys, you don't like 
> since it encourages people to write software for it. Therefore you don't want

You getting to that below the waist level again. Don't judge us all from
your bad opinion, but from what we really do.

> to distribute it. That's fine with me. I would never dare to spam your mailing
> lists for that reason. So please stop spamming our mailing list.

Sorry, I didn't know that this happened.

> I still wish you could say this in public (Bruce Perens did it, for example)
> without publishing "licensing problems" statements that insult their readers
> intelligence. 

Once again. Please stay rational. Just because you don't understand (Hey,
this was supposed to be a joke. Who except lawyers really understand
law?) the legal situation you don't have to say we want to insult our

I'm really sad that this is becoming a situation where people who want to
produce free software fire personal bullets at each other. 

One last note, is there any GPLed code in KDE core? That is except the code
written for KDE. If the only problem is a program like kghostview we might
find a compromise in that we leave that particular program out of the Debian
package. Personally I have no problem with the real KDE code being GPLed no
matter whether you add the excempt clause or not. But not with other code.

Dr. Michael Meskes      | Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz | Go SF49ers!
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