On Sat, 10 Oct 1998, Alan Cox wrote:
> A BSD license would have solved the problem nicely. No GPL code would have
> been available to "be stolen" (subject to your license viewpoint) and no
> GPL authors upset.

And we'd all probably be better off.

> And by now Sun would no doubt be shipping a binary only KDE that forbid
> you to redistribute it and contained fixes you couldnt get back off them

Ehm, the world hasn't gone to hell because not everything is GPL.  Take
for instance companies using FreeBSD, such as Whistle and Best Internet
Communications.  Both have tweaked fbsd throughly, and "kicked back" quite
a few fixes and their other changes, without being legally obligated to
release all of their source.

Keep in mind it would be in Sun's best interest to help the KDE
developers, as taking a BSD licensed KDE and running with it themselves
would take a lot more effort.

Your "the world outside of GPL is evil" attitude is quite bogus.

- alex

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