On Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 02:47:20PM -0700, John Lapeyre wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
> Galbra>What I find strange if that I managed to download it without realising 
> it
> Galbra>was non-free.  I only *now* noticed that it's non-free by putting the
> Galbra>cursor on the `Download it!'  ftp link and seeing the non-free part in 
> the
> Galbra>path.
>       I have built packages and uploaded them to main only to find later
> that they depend on non-free libraries that appeared free when I found
> them on the web page. (note that when the lib later shows up as a
> dependency, it is listed as non-free) .  
The web pages will be updated using new scripts RSN. They are 95% done. All that
remains to be done is to properly deal with source packages. This is trivial
to get right for 90% of the packages, but a royal pain for the rest.

This problem and a number of others will be fixed with the new scripts.

Jay Treacy

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