On Fri, Oct 09, 1998 at 12:46:11PM -0700, Geoffrey L. Brimhall wrote:
> I find this interesting because there is quite a bit of various efforts to
> port GPL'd code and programs to the MS Windows environments. Legally, this 
> would
> imply stepping very carefully because who knows what proprietary libraries
> might be linked to get the port to work. Am I correct in this statement ?

There are exceptions for things that are included was part of the OS (ie,
you can link against common dialog, common control, etc on windoze--but not
on Linux where those things wouldn't be system libraries)  That's a little
unclear I know, but the GPL does spell out a special exception to make that

It's kosher to link Motif on Solaris, for example but not Linux since
Solaris always includes Motif, but Linux does not.

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