On Sun, Oct 11, 1998 at 04:07:31PM +0000, Raja R Harinath wrote:
> I don't see how it follows.  "we have implicitly allowed all users to
> link LyX with XForms" does not imply "we have implicitly allowed
> (re)distribution of the resulting LyX binaries", which I guess is the
> issue at hand.

Because *implicit* permission isn't good enough. By default *nothing* is
allowed. So every right the authors grant you had better be written down
in a license accompanying the software, otherwise one of the authors (or
sometimes even their employers) can later sue you.

In this particular case it is important to be explicit about the extra
permissions granted, because people might get the mistaken belief that
it is thus also ok to import other GPLed code into the project.

The idea is that the first face shown to people is one they can readily
accept - a more traditional logo. The lunacy element is only revealed
subsequently, via the LunaDude. [excerpted from the Lunatech Identity Manual]

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