>>"Martin" == Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Martin> Enrique Zanardi wrote:
 >> Are we going to include "apt" in the base system? Its package
 >> ordering feature (and a few others) obsoletes the other methods, but
 >> currently apt doesn't work with mountable media. A "multi-cdrom-apt"
 >> method should be added quick.

 Martin> NO!  It does not _obsolete_ other methods.  It add new
 Martin> methods.  I would begin to hate somebody if it would replace
 Martin> e.g. the ftp method.  Apt and apt-get are some more
 Martin> alternatives.  They don't replace existing tools.

        Apt has a builtin ftp method. I coded the interim ftp method
 for APT (though my code is no longer used ;-(, and let me assure you,
 APT had all the functionality (if not more) of the method it

        I think APT does indeed make most of the other methods
 obsolete, and we should indeed be replacing the other methods with
 apt (no matter how mad it makes certain individuals ;-)

 My way of joking is to tell the truth.  That's the funniest joke in
 the world. Muhammad Ali
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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