On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 09:20:02AM -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
> > James Troup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Subject: Re: Bug#27823: proftpd: non-maintainer upload (alpha) diffs
> > X-Mailing-List: <debian-devel@lists.debian.org> archive/latest/16743
> >
> >  [Want to know how Debian violates the GPL all the time?  Check how
> >  many GPLed packages in Debian have modifications yet don't obey 2(a).]
> I think there should be a /usr/doc/emacs20/README.Debian what says that
> /usr/share/emacs/20.3/lisp/startup.el was modified to load
> debian-startup.el at startup.

I agree that such notifications are useful. The question is, if we must
enfore them and if yes, if they not better belong in the copyright file.

let me point out that we distribute _pristine_ source packages in most
cases, and a diff file makes very clear (byte by byte) which files have been

So, I think, if the maintainer uploads the original source unmodified,
the changes donīt need to be listed in the Debian files, as the diff file
is enough documentation. If the Debian maintainer repacks changed source
code, the changes must be written down in the copyright file.

> Should I file a bug report against emacs20?  This presumably applies to all
> favours of Emacs.

please do not file bug reports before we have at least discussed it a bit.
Maybe policy should be changed to the effect I proposed above.


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