On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 10:25:57AM -0700, Ben Gertzfield wrote:
> Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > W: xext: shlib-without-dependency-information
> > usr/X11R6/lib/modules/xf86Jstk.so 
> > I have always gotten this error.  I don't know how to fix it, but it
> > doesn't seem to hurt anyone.
> Well, this isn't a shared library that's going to be linked to, so
> there should be a way to override lintian's behavior.

Oh, I get it.  The complaint's not about the file itself, but the absence
of mention in a shlibs file.  Okay.  Well, yeah, that should be overridden.
The only thing that uses those modules is the X server.

> > E: xfs: postrm-contains-additional-updaterc.d-calls /etc/init.d/xfs
> > 
> > Uh, I only call update-rc.d once.  What's the problem?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~]% echo  E: xfs: 
> postrm-contains-additional-updaterc.d-calls /etc/init.d/xfs | lintian-info
> E: xfs: postrm-contains-additional-updaterc.d-calls /etc/init.d/xfs
> N:
> N:   The postrm de-registers an /etc/init.d script which has not been
> N:   registered in the postinst script before.
> N:
> You never registered it in the first place, I would guess?

Uh, I'll check that.

> > E: xfs: unregistered-script-in-etc-init.d /etc/init.d/xfs
> > 
> > Huh?  I'm sort of confused by this one as well.
> Again:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~]% echo  E: xfs: unregistered-script-in-etc-init.d 
> /etc/init.d/xfs | lintian-info
> E: xfs: unregistered-script-in-etc-init.d /etc/init.d/xfs
> N:
> N:   The package installs an /etc/init.d script which is not registered in
> N:   the postinst script.
> N:
> You forgot to register it in the postinst.

How do "register" the init.d script?  I thought you just ship it and mark
it as a conffile.

> > W: xlib6: postrm-calls-ldconfig
> > W: xlib6g: postrm-calls-ldconfig
> > 
> > Uh, shouldn't they?
> No!

You know, I read that part of the policy manual while working on those.
Oops.  This will definitely hose up people's systems badly.  I expect to do
another release within the next 24 hours.  Sorry about the bandwidth,

> > E: xserver-common: binary-without-manpage X
> > 
> > X's manpage is in xbase.
> Hm.. that's not very useful. Why would you need the manpage without
> the binary? Of course, since xserver-common depends on xbase, it's a
> bit moot, but I don't know how useful it is to have just a man-page on
> the system.

Have you read X's manpage?  It has nothing to do with our wrapper.  This
should be overridden.

> > W: xserver-common: setuid-binary usr/X11R6/bin/X 4755 root/root
> > 
> > This a security wrapper.  It needs to be setuid root.
> You need to send a note to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that it will
> be overridden. :) X definitely has to be suid.

Done.  (See the To: line of this message).

> > W: xterm: setuid-binary usr/X11R6/bin/xterm 4711 root/root
> > 
> > Urp.  Will fix in the next release, but since the execute bit *is* set it
> > should work.  You'll just have to be root to stare at the naked binary.  Be
> > sure to wear sunglasses with strong UV filters.
> Well, this too needs to be noted to [EMAIL PROTECTED], but it's
> policy for all binaries that are executable by group or by other
> should be readable, too, as making them only executable gives no
> security:

Yes, I know.  I assume this mode was set my the X makefiles somewhere -- I
sure as heck didn't do it.

> So make it 4755 and tell lintian-maint to override xterm. (I hate how
> xterm has to be suid ;)


Topi Miettinen has done some research on this.  When we get SysV-style pty
support in glibc, xterm can lose its root privileges altogether.  I hear this
will be in glibc 2.1?

G. Branden Robinson                 | Human beings rarely imagine a god that
Debian GNU/Linux                    | behaves any better than a spoiled child.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            | -- Robert Heinlein
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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