>>>>> "Enrique" == Enrique Zanardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Enrique> Currently, that partition is marked as bootable just
    Enrique> after installing LILO and "mbr" (first a dialog is
    Enrique> displayed asking the user if he wants it so, something
    Enrique> like "If you want the Debian system to boot automatically
    Enrique> from the hard disk when you turn your system on, answer
    Enrique> "yes" to the following question. If you have another
    Enrique> operating system that you'd prefer to be the one that
    Enrique> boots automatically, answer "no".").

Please, make this warning much, much stronger. If mbr is installed at
all, their system will become unusable if they do not say yes at this

So, if the user does select 'yes' for installing "mbr", please tell
them that if they say "no" at this point, they will be rendering
their system pretty much unbootable (unless they can figure out
the cryptic MBR prompts.)

Either that, or tell the truth at this point:

"At this point, the Debian installer must mark one of your partitions
as 'bootable' so that the MBR tool you selected to install can know
which partition to boot by default."


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