On Fri, 16 October 1998 20:38:57 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I didn't realize that the author of mutt-i was a US resident (I don't use
> mutt at all, myself).

Some time ago (can't remember any version numbers) the PGP
version was hacked by Thomas Roessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
right after the normal version came out.

Right now Michael Elkins has a job enslaving (sp?) him to
use a Mickeysoft OS any he doesn't have the time for much
of the former codings any more.

Thomas Roessler is the keeper of the source at the moment.
Perhaps Roland Rosenfeld can ask him what he thinks of it?


"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from
 pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which"
(George Orwell, The Animal Farm, very last sentence)
Alexander Koch - <>< - aka Efraim - PGP - 0xE7694969 - Hannover - Germany

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