> Mark Ng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > wmx is another window manager for X.  It is based on wm2 and provides
> > a similarly unusual style of window decoration; but in place of wm2's
> > minimal functionality, it offers many of the features of more
> > conventional managers in the most simplistic implementations
> > imaginable.  wmx is, however, still barely configurable except by
> > editing the source and recompiling the code.
> > 
> > 
> > the license is DSFG compliant.
> I posted an intent to package wmx (wmx-4 to be more precise) on 25 Dec 1998

The latest version is wmx-5.

> <http://www.debian.org/Lists-Archives/debian-devel-9812/msg02637.html>
> (For one reason or the other, it hasn't made it to the wnpp yet)

Looks like the wnpp team is really busy...

> I have the package ready, but without debian menus implemented, which is
> why I haven't uploaded it yet. If you want to take over it, I can provide
> you what I've done to it so far.

Since, you have already done quite a bit of work on it, I think I will let you
continue with it.  Thanks for the offer anyway.


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