On Sun, 17 Jan 1999, Martin Schulze wrote:

> Santiago Vila wrote:
> > [...]
> > There are in total *ten* dselect Dependency/conflict resolution screens. 
> > (using the PageForward key). Am I *really* required to report them *all*,
> > or may I ask our kind ftp.debian.org maintainers to do a *serious*
> > dependency/conflict check *before* the deep freeze?
> If you want to get it fixed then you have to propose a solution or it won't
> happen.  I thought you already noticed this.
> So yes, please report them *all* or provide a script that checks for
> this. [...]

What for? I already reported a few of them in Bug #29874 and they have not
been fixed yet. This was nearly two months ago.

You see, this is very encouraging to report a complete list...

 "136cf01b629039a4b0c6573ca77fbad2" (a truly random sig)

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