On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 12:47:52PM -0500, Harrison, Shawn wrote:
> So that's what I think we should focus on. -- What is the best way to get 
> Debian out to the world?
> ==========================
> ==========================
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Install it at your workplace, tell people, support new users - every time
one of my colleagues wants a "Linux box" I build them a Debian disk.  If
you _really_ want to get Debian out into the world:

The floppy install takes eight 3.5" floppies: include a lowmem disk and a 
disk of instructions.  That makes 10: if every developer were to buy a 
box of disks, format them and copy the floppy images then send them to
someone - thats 300+ people with a minimal distribution at a couple of US$

Beg/borrow a CD copier: copy up to date CD's at a nominal cost: distribute
them. [Can we do this for one developer from each country to ease the
problem of net download costs ??]

Stress the security and upgradeability of Debian: install RedHat and
ask people to upgrade - then show them Debian with APT

Just my 0.02 Euro


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