On Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 06:49:43AM -0500, Johnie Ingram wrote:
> Thomas> How do you know? You waited just 4 hours before drawing that
> Thomas> conclusion. Isn't this a bit early? I mean, not everybody has
> Thomas> an RJ45 jack implanted in one's body.
> Thankfully enough of us do, including the person who's been NMUing PAM
> all this time, and some others interested in adopting it.  All are on
> IRC.
> But if you're going to be wired, I recommend fiber -- its lighter.

I'll wait for affordable wireless.  ;>

"I'm working in the dark here."  "Yeah well rumor has it you do your best
work in the dark."
                               -- Earth: Final Conflict

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