"Brian" == Brian White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Brian> make any difference.  Both will show up in dselect and it would
Brian> be trivial for someone to install the new kernel... and then

Heh, thats the idea.  :-)

Brian> wonder why things don't work.

Little things that few notice, apparently -- I would've sworn slink
and 2.2.0-final work perfectly until someone pointed out that
/usr/sbin/procinfo complains.   Been running 2.1.1xx in production
with frozen for months.

I'd say at least include a source package for whatever 2.2.0 is
available at the moment of release, so we get the bragging rights.
:-)   A deb would be even more impressive.

Brian> Since it is assured that some packages will have to be patched
Brian> by a user that wants to use the new kernel, making those users
Brian> go through a little bit more effort to get the new kernel is
Brian> more than offset by reducing the amount of problems encountered
Brian> by other users.

It may be hopeless fantasy, but I'd like to believe our users aren't
this helpless.

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