On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 03:22:58PM +0000, M.C. Vernon wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Joseph Carter wrote:
> > > As well, my roommate and I were going to also make a character sheet
> > > program (hence the reason for making the rolldice stuff a library), so we
> > > could just enter the data, and either save it to a file or go ahead and
> > > print it out...  my roommate has been working on GTK+ for the occasion <g>
> > 
> > Why do I get the idea I should bring up once again my hope to gather a
> > sizable group of people to build a game system which is released under
> > free license and available to anyone with a web browser and the like?  =>

I am working at that. But I am writing it in italian... too bad
my english is very distant from perfection! Will be released under
something similar to Artistic. BTW the name is Aedon, and is a generic
set'o'rules. When we play (it's about 3 years we use it) we call it
Ab Infinito and is a mix between H.P.Lovcraft and the Rork comics
by Andreas.

Slightly off topic this one!!!

 Federico Di Gregorio   |  /      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]              
  Debian developer!     | / -1    http://pcamb6.irfmn.mnegri.it/~fog 
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