On 24 Jan 1999, John Lapeyre wrote:

>       I guess I should add this to my last post about how bad the
> installation is.  The boot floppies themselves and apt are quite good.
> Getting the base system on is easy for someone who knows what is going on.
> Probably not for a beginner.

As someone who has done countless debian installs on lots of weird
hardware I can safely say that Debian's install is straightforward but
requires technical skill. You can install Debian on virtually any system
but the installer may not hold your hand.

The packaging system allows so much choice that it too does need some
degree of technical knowledge, but if you know what you are doing it is
very straightforward and gives pretty much exactly what you want.

Personally I have a list of packages I like to see on a system and I use
apt-get install `cat list` and watch the magic. Everything else I just
install as-needed.

The only thing I wish for is dhcp and ftp/http support in the boot
floppies, it is not always easy to find a nfs server for the images.


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