Paul Sheer wrote:
>I remember someone was maintaining the debian release of this software
>(although then, it did not support encryption). Please get the latest
>version from:

I maintain the Debian package of mirrordir.  The last version I
packaged was 0.9.29.  I have not packaged any of the (many) more
recent versions because:

 - I would not be able to include the new crypto features in the package
   anyway due to US export laws. (Debian packages are binary only, and
   FTP connectivity is not assured, so the "download sources from
   South Africa" model does not work.)  The non-us archive could host
   an up-to-date version, but someone else would have to maintain it.

 - Most of the recent releases have been bug fixes of crypto features.
   Besides the above problem with crypto, it does not appear stable.

 - The last time I checked, mirrordir fails its own self check routine
   due to a security check.  However, the situation it complains about
   looks okay to me.

                                  - Jim Van Zandt

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