On Mon, Jan 25, 1999 at 01:24:13AM -0800, Darren Benham wrote:
> On 25-Jan-99 Chris Lawrence wrote:
> > IMHO we should also be discussing how the vote on this proposal will
> > be structured.  My understanding is that there are multiple DFSG
> > revision proposals "out there", even though this one is the only one
> > being currently hashed out on the list.
> > 
> > My voting structure proposal is (using preference voting):
> > 
> > [ ] Retain current DFSG
> > [ ] Revised DFSG proposal by A and B
> > [ ] Revised DFSG proposal by C
> > ...
> > [ ] None of the above alternatives is acceptable
> > 
> I envision it as being:
>  [ ] ORIGINAL Draft
>  [ ] Draft w/o patch clause
>  [ ] Draft w/o advertising clause
>  [ ] Draft w/o both clauses
>  [ ] Current DFSG
>  [ ] FURTHER Discussion (required by constitution)

Please include URLs, there are SO MANY different proposals we really
should give people pointers to exactly which they're voting on.

"I'm working in the dark here."  "Yeah well rumor has it you do your best
work in the dark."
                               -- Earth: Final Conflict

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