On Mon, Jan 25, 1999 at 10:23:34PM -0500, Michael Stone wrote:
> Quoting Juergen A. Erhard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > I personally thing either the ftp hierarchy should go to /var/ftp, or
> > the www data should move to /home/www (the latter I'd prefer).
> /home/(ftp|www) is just plain ugly. (It's a real pain when you're trying
> to share nfs home dirs between web servers, for example.) I use /var/ftp
> on my own system (well, actually /var/local/ftp...)

I'd suggest /var/{ftp,www}. Anonymous ftp user is a 'user', but a
semi-system one, and it shouldn't be in /home.

enJoy -*/\*- http://jagor.srce.hr/~jrodin/

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