On 29 Jan 1999, Ole J. Tetlie wrote:
> Ah, it's lovely. No more dselect for this boy.
> Feature request: Shouldn't it be possible to put a package
> on hold even if the newest version is installed?

This is causing much confusion - Keep is not Hold. Right now there's no
Hold feature at all. (There should be, it just isn't implemented yet.)

Here's the difference: Delete/Keep/Install is what will actually be done
with the package if you choose "Complete Run." Unlike Hold, these flags
are not persistent across sessions. So everything is Keep by default. If
you "Mark Upgrade,"  many Keep will become install; if Hold is
implemented, a held package will remain Kept when you Mark Upgrade. 
That's what Hold means, essentially.

The Delete/Keep/Install relationship is sort of confusing; many people
have suggested using radio buttons instead and I'll probably do that.


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