I'm currently writting an article for an online magazine based on free software proyects called OpenResources (www.openresources.com) who where interested in having a preview of what Slink will offer. However, I'm at a loss to grasp all the differences between Hamm and Slink, and would not like to give false impressions or leave out information.
This is the reason for the crosspost to debian-press. As of currently Debian has not made any announcements of what Debian 2.1 ('slink') will bring other than more software... ;) I'm aware that we had some project goals for slink (which are not publicly known), and maybe we should made a public statement of 1.- Why Debian slink is going to release later than expected 2.- What Debian slink will bring (i.e. what proyect goals have been fulfilled) AFAIK Nils or Joey were going to write such a thing, but had not had time yet, so... I'm sending attached my article on Debian slink as it is, since the online magazine has a "free source" license for all articles feel free to make use of anything that feels useful. I would also appreciate any comments and suggestions (flames to /dev/null please) Javi
Debian 2.1 'slink' Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña 28 enero 1999 Debian 2.1 (codename _s_l_i_n_k) will be release beginning 1999, becoming one of the distributions with more programs in the world of GNU/Linux. ______________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents: 1. Introduction to Slink 2. The size of Debian 3. Goals of Debian 2.1 4. Things to point out in Debian 2.1 5. How to get Debian ______________________________________________________________________ 11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo SSlliinnkk Debian, the proyect founded by the Free Software Foundation <http://www.fsf.org>, and which currently has its own entity, is a distribution (which has already been introduced in OperResources) that currently stands amongst the three more important GNU/Linux distributions. Although the previous stable release of Debian saw the light in June last year, the developers that maintain the distribution set themselves as a goal the release of the next version of Debian by the end of the year. However, this has not happened due to some problems with bug fixes of packages that make up the distribution, and to the fact that, in the same months, Debian maintainers have voted their first Consitution <http://www.debian.org/devel/constitution>, and elect a new Project Leader <http://vote.debian.org>, that will continue forward after Ian Murdock leaves that position. The _f_r_e_e_z_e stage the distribution suffers, before releasing a new stable version, has continued up until February 1999. Currently (January 1999) some problems with the installation disks are being worked upon, as well as some bugs with some of the packages. 22.. TThhee ssiizzee ooff DDeebbiiaann Debian is a _h_u_g_e proyect, few (amongst them the developing of the Linux kernel) can say that they count with equal or more volunteer developers (over 400), and, of course, the number of programs the distribution offers is enourmous. That is one of the fundamental advantages that Debian 2.1 will offer with respect to its previous release, 2.0, the number of supported packages has grown to over 1500. Of course, the bugs found in the packages that made part of the distributin have been solved, also including changes in the upstreams sources of programs. The priority of Debian is not, as it would seem, to make programs, but rather to offer programs available in the GNU/Linux world making their installation and configuring as easiest as possible to the Debian user. The work of a Debian maintainer is to make these packages and support them, fixing bugs that might be found, either notifying the upstream maintainer or fixing them himself. Thus slink includes a great number of programs in many areas: word processing applications, graphic packages, system administration, device handling, games... To give an example of Debian's growth one might take the review made by Lars Wirzenius. Taking all packages of the _m_a_i_n section in Debian, counting the size and number of lines in files with 'c' or 'h' extension (that belong to source code and headers of C programs), you might get the following results: lynes bytes packages hamm 37.41M 865.713M 1116 slink 70.6M 1144.6M 1602 Other similar reviews can be found at: <> or <http://homey.physics.arizona.edu/reps/>. It is not strange, then, that the main body of Debian 'hamm' (2.0) could be included in one CD-ROM, and that Debian 'slink' (2.1) uses up _t_w_o CD-ROMs. Obiously, not all packages are of equal importance, nor they are used by all users; there are some tools in Debian that will only be used by a low number of users, but their availability is what matters. To study the frequency of installation of Debian packages, a Debian maintainer put together a popularity contest <http://www.worldvisions.ca/~apenwarr/popcon/>, which users can contribute to by installing a package that will send information on their system installation forward to him. 33.. GGooaallss ooff DDeebbiiaann 22..11 Yoy can read Debian 2.1 goals in <http://www.infodrom.north.de/~joey/Linux/Debian/master/goals/2.1/> or <http://www.infodrom.north.de/~joey/Linux/Debian/master/pr/2.1/features.html>. 44.. TThhiinnggss ttoo ppooiinntt oouutt iinn DDeebbiiaann 22..11 Some things can be pointed out to be or not in Debian 2.1. One has to take into account that the development of a distribution that includes so many programas, and the time taken to assuer that all programs interoperate correctly, makes it impossible for the stable release to include all the lastest programs in the GNU/Linux world. However, the work in a stable release does not stop the work in an unstable release based on the previous and where many new packages can be found. This unstable release can be used by all those that want to be using the latest versions of programs, the future Debian 2.2 is, currently, codenamed _p_o_t_a_t_o. Debian 2.1 _d_o_e_s _n_o_t include Linux kernel 2.2. This does not have to be understood as a negative side, since this kernel was released after the stable release was frozen, and modifying the kernel over which the distribution is based is risky business since it is not yet tested with all the applications that make up the distribution, and its hasty inclusion would bring new bugs. However, since the release of this kernel some Debian developers have been working hard to try all possible incompatibilities and problems with other software, but the release of Debian 2.1 will probably not be hindered. Linux kernel 2.2 will, of course, be included in Debian 2.2 The package selection interface will be, for the moment, the same that in the previous release of Debian, but apt has been added, a program that handles dependencies resolution and package retrieval in an easy and fast way. Work is being done in a new user interface, both in text and graphic version, with apt, and will become, in the future, the substitute for dselect; it works now, but is not tested to assure it works 100%. As window managers Debian 2.1 will include, amongst others, Afterstep and GNOME <http://www.gnome.org>. KDE <http://www.kde.org>, alas, will not be included since during the development of Debian 2.1 it had not yet resolved the problems encountered with the QT library's license, used by this window manager. 55.. HHooww ttoo ggeett DDeebbiiaann Debian can be gotten out of the net, through the main server of the proyect <ftp://ftp.debian.org> or from any of its mirrors <http://www.debian.org/distrib/ftplist>. There are also commercial vendors <http://www.debian.org/distrib/vendors> from which you can buy a Debian CD set.