*-Jules Bean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| On 30 Jan 1999, Ole J. Tetlie wrote:
| > Am I overlooking something obvious here?
| > 
| > libgtk1.1.13-dev provides libgtk-dev and libgtk1.1-dev
| > 
| > but
| > 
| > libgtk1.1-dev conflicts with libgtk-dev
| > 
| > this means that gnome-apt refuses to install libgtk1.1.13-dev,
| > a package that I sorely need. Aren't these relationships somewhat odd.
| Nothing odd there.
| libgtk1.1-dev conflicts with libgtk-dev so that it won't be installed at
| the same time as any other package which provides: libgtk-dev.

OK, I have probably misunderstood something.

libgtk1.1-dev conflicts with libgtk-dev, and does not provide
libgtk-dev. I read the packaging-manual in a way that makes
it impossible to install _any_ package that provides both.

The relevant sections(?):

When one package declares a conflict with another dpkg will refuse to
allow them to be installed on the system at the same time.

A special exception is made for packages which declare a conflict with
their own package name, or with a virtual package which they provide
(see below): this does not prevent their installation, and allows a
package to conflict with others providing a replacement for it. You use
this feature when you want the package in question to be the only
package providing something. 

...Unix, MS-DOS, and MS Windows (also known as the Good, the Bad,
and the Ugly).                                       (Matt Welsh)

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