On 30-Jan-99 Johnie Ingram wrote:
> "Shaleh" == Shaleh  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Shaleh> how hard would it be to have the Packages pages on the Debian
> Shaleh> web site show the packages home URL, i.e. where the author is?
> Shaleh> A few times I have been hunting for this because I needed a
> Shaleh> bsd or Sun version of a program.  Downloading the orig.tar.gz
> Shaleh> and looking inside can be cumbersome.
> Relatively hard, unless we could make an official (optional) dpkg
> field for the URL, and/or -- dare I imagine it?  -- the Freshmeat
> appindex number....

Depends on a) it being on freshmeat, and b) freshmeat being up and functional. 
Both are questionable.  

The URL is stored in the debian/copyright file. Grabbing it from the diff.gz
should not be horribly complicated.  Especially with debhelper and others using
URL --> in the copyright file.

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