Enrique Zanardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sun, Jan 31, 1999 at 12:21:00AM +1100, Martin Mitchell wrote:
> > Adam Di Carlo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > > Package: dpkg
> > > Version:
> > > Severity: important
> > > 
> > > Please remove the following methods (based on disk):
> > > 
> > >   harddisk
> > >   mounted
> > >   cdrom
> > >   nfs
> > > 
> > > These methods are obsolete and buggy.  Harddisk/mounted are replaced
> > > by dpkg-multicd and apt methods.  CDROM is also replaced by
> > > dpkg-multicd; in fact, this CDROM method doesn't even *work* anymore
> > > with slink since CD-ROMs span two devices.
> > 
> > I strongly object to removing all of those except cdrom. I don't find apt
> > adequate for my needs at this stage.
> What about dpkg-multicd?

I have no objection to cdrom being replaced with dpkg-multicd.

> > Removing features to remove bugs is not a proper solution to reducing
> > dpkg's bugs. Ian, please refrain from removing these features, which are
> > still essential.
> I don't see anything "essential" in them. There are a lot of methods
> available on slink (and slink's base system) that work as well than dpkg
> default methods. 

Remember that dselect isn't just used to install the system, you also
need to maintain it. I don't find the apt method an appropriate tool at
this stage for maintenance. Where it excels at present is in the initial

> If you still need dpkg default methods, a proper solution would be to
> extract them to a different package (say, dpkg-defaults), make dpkt-ftp,
> dpkg-mountable, dpkg-multicd, dpkg-defaults, apt ... provide a virtual
> package "dpkg-method" and make dpkg depend on dpkg-method.

This should be done in the future, but not at the moment, certainly not
just before slink's release.

> That way only the few users that still don't find any other method
> adequate for their needs will have to install that package, and have
> those methods listed in the already crowded dselect's access method 
> menu.

I don't call the 6 options currently in my dselect's access menu crowded,
I'd say it was flexible.


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