On Thu, Jan 28, 1999 at 10:14:15AM -0800, Chris Waters wrote:
> I brought this up on IRC, and got the following suggestions:
> 1.  Dragon (well-liked choice on IRC)
> 2.  Octopus (my own suggestion)
> 3.  Monkey
> 4.  Ant
> 5.  Bee
> Personally, I think octopi are really cute, they're smart (for
> invertebrae), and I kind of like the symbolism of many arms working
> together as part of a whole, but perhaps I'm a little crazy.  :-)

Yes, that you are..

I say we should go for a nice feline, perhaps a tiger cub?

Then again, I'm quite insane.. <=:]

Zephaniah E. Hull.
> -- 
> Chris Waters   [EMAIL PROTECTED] | I have a truly elegant proof of the
>       or    [EMAIL PROTECTED] | above, but it is too long to fit into
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