> > > Previously Brian White wrote:
> > > > apache            32204  user directories allow symlinks to other files 
> > > > [0]  (Johnie Ingram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
> > >
> > > We should just force SymLinksIfOwnerMatch for /home to solve this.
> >
> > You know, I don't see this as "grave".  It means that a user can
> > effectively "export to the world" any file readable by www-data.  In
> > general, this means only things that can be read by public.  So,
> > the user can't intentionally export anything that he/she couldn't already
> > do by other means.
> >
> > The problem comes with unintentional exports...  Well, it's a bug.  I
> > don't see it as being a security hole.  Thoughts?
> Did you ever think that exporting vital databases that are under cgi
> control would be a serious security bug? And what about apache using
> the mod_roaming module, which saves netscape preferences, _security_
> certificates, bookmarks, and preferences.
> This doesn't even count directories protected by .htpasswd auth whose
> files can easily be compromised, and even the .htpasswd file itself can
> be exported by linking it as a .html file, exposing all the excrypted
> password information, which may be the same passwords as the system.
> This is a serious security hole, we need to close before release.

I understand.  My point, however, was that anyone who exports those things
on purpose could just as easily copy the file, ftp it, email it, or
whatever.  Plugging a whole in the side of a boat doesn't help when the
boat has no bottom.

                                  ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

        Premature optimization is the root of all evil.  -- Donald Knuth

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