Hi !

I would like to package the Perl module "Net::RawIP". 

It is, like the name suggests, a low level Networking module. It allows you
to create any kind of IP package and gives special support for TCP, UDP and
ICMP. There is even raw Ethernet support.

This package makes it possible to write "traceroute", "ping" and even
the well-known "land/bonk/teardrop attacks" in pure Perl.

I will try to package it in the way the other Net-*-perl packages are done.

The upstream maintainer says that he would be "very glad" to had this one
in the Debian distribution. (He is a Debian Fan!)

read you,


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Christian Hammers * Oberer Heidweg 35 * D-52477 Alsdorf * Tel: 02404-25624
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