On Mon, Feb 01, 1999 at 06:04:45PM +0100, Andreas Plesner Jacobsen wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 01, 1999 at 08:23:24AM -0800, Joseph Carter wrote:
> > > I intend to package GoldED when my developer-application processes
> > > 
> > > From freshmeat appindex:
> > > GoldED is a very nice console full-screen mail/newsreader for
> > > Fidonet and Internet. It is one of the   best of it's kind for
> > > Fidonet and quite usable for Internet. For Internet mail and news
> > > you need a   program which handles SOUP packets, such as the
> > > excellent SOUPER, which connects to the   SMTP/POP3/NNTP servers
> > > and transfers the mail/news. This functionality is planned to be
> > > built into   GoldED in the no-so-far future.
> > > 
> > > I work the same place as the upstream author and therefore have a
> > > quick way to resolve any upstream bugs.
> > 
> > Is it still non-free, no source, etc, etc?  =>
> No, it's GPL and LGPL as of 3.0.0 - www.goldware.dk, but my first task will
> obviously be to get Odinn to include license files in the distribution, I
> can't seem to find licenses for all the modules....

And it seems I was just a bit too fast to take on this task, GoldED still
needs a lot of work on the makefiles (autoconf), and since this is my first
debian package, I decided to temporarily cancel my project.


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