Brandon Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> [ woah, this is an old thread, but a good one to bring back. ]

Heh... yeah, I keep around email that I want to reply to, even though
it sometimes takes a month or so before I get a chance.

> Yes, the next frontend to apt (gnome-apt?) should handle the tasks
> specially.  They should be able to hit a customize button for each task
> which can take you to a dependency resolution screen.  This way if the
> task depends on a web server or apache, it defaults to apache, and the
> customize screen for that task will show all web servers.  Then provide
> another customize button to handle all packages (what we have now).

Hum.  I tend to think that the existing control description system is
rich enough to already allow this.  For example, you can either
virtual packages:

  Depends: httpd

or alternatives:

  Depends:  apache | httpd

> > Another nice benefit to my scheme is that each task/profile can be
> > maintained independantly by different Debian developers.  In fact, I
> > volunteer to take over the SGML environment task if we do move to this
> > scheme.
> Agreed, distributing the work into small chuncks is better and one reason
> debian has done so well.

Yes -- we'd be pulling the stuff outta the boot-floppies and into the
Debian archive in gneeral.  You mention you would like a new section.
That would be nice, but that's a whole ball of wax I'd rather not get
into.  I'd rather just put the stuff in the base section, and use a
packaging naming convention for now (task-foo, profile-foo).

> > So -- lets have a little discussion period, and then decide, and
> > perhaps start looking for volunteers.  We need to jump on this quick
> > so we can have it in place for freeze time, whenever that is.
> It probably isn't difficult to convert the old tasks into packages and put
> them up on an apt-able site.

Well, if we can come up with a nice boilerplate package, then we're
pretty good.  A tricky issue is the way that the dependancies can
sometimes vary by platform.  Stephane B. used slice to solve this
previously.  I guess this system would have to be replace using
debian/substvars and some logic in debian/rules.

Theoretically, you could even take all the profiles and tasks, and
write a one-shot script to make a buncha packages.  However, I'm not
sure that would be worthwhile...

Can we get a volunteer to work on this stuff, for proof of concept?
All the volunteer would need is the file which described the
tasks/profiles from the boot-floppies source package.


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