
There has been talk on this for over a week, but I haven't seen a solution
posted.  I have managed to take control of my machine, by booting
"init=/bin/sh", and starting the network manually.  Even downloaded
libc6_2.1.1-3, which I assume will fix the problem.

I have seen others also talking about the problem, but there doesn't seem
to be a solution posted.

However, the installation fails, as tar fails (chown problem).

Any solutions?  Please keep the subject line the same, I will summarize
twice daily.


Sanjeev "Ghane" Gupta                   Tel: +91(11) 6941831, 6946619
Eurolink Systems Ltd                    Fax: +91(11) 6943732
New Delhi, India                      email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
          Eurolink doesn't pay me to speak for it, so I don't
           Old age is not an accomplishment, nor youth a sin

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